Thursday, December 15, 2011

rough presentations

Now I know what it's like to work for a company that nearly everybody in this city has a relationship with. You have no choice. You have to deal with us. But what the company is coming to realize is that it will not be like this for long. Soon enough, there will be choice. And our proposition will be: don't leave us.

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I gave a presentation today. It was rough at times. I left from it feeling rather positive though. I thought it was just a shade funny that sometimes people could not understand my point. . .black humor.

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When was the last time you were anticipating a particular date for a books release? (Maybe the last time was in July 2007). But am beginning to discover that Amazon manufactures anticipation, too, with it's e-books. It's rather amazing what they've done to people's reading habits. Mine are only transforming now. . .

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I think people might be surprised at our capacity to still hike up our media consumption. We're increasingly becoming screen starers a society. . .

Friday, December 2, 2011

By Your Hand

I can't get into my livejournal account.

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I learned the meaning of a new word today: suyod. For those of you who don't know either, it's to go over something very closely, like going through something with a fine-toothed comb. That's been the nature of the work I've been working on the last 5 or so weeks. We've gone through decks and a refinement process. I have so much high quality scratch paper.

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When we were kids, our idea of a fun time was a whole box of scratch paper. We were early on paper-lovers, and the dox matrix paper w/ the wholes on the side, seemed particularly luxurious. Now, most things are on the screen, but we began with paper. . .

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My boss says, I'm sorry I hope you don't mind that I'm OC and very careful with communication. Not at all, I think. If we could all be as cautious.

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Tomorrow is two things: Meralco Night Run at 5pm. And the 3rd Xmas quiz night people party at Jim's at around 8. I am really looking forward to tomorrow before working (gladly) on a Sunday, to finish something for Monday. My 5 weeks in Meralco has actually been pretty awesome.