Monday, August 2, 2010

Army of Me

I have a workmate whom I enjoy working with. It all began when we were grouped together in a work seminar, and she essentially took charge in the direction of our presentation. Recently, she's been helping our team develop a functional work plan. What a blessing it is that she's around. She provides value to our team, and I don't have to explain myself 17 times.

It is also slightly shocking because it means that until this point I have not gotten the peer support that perhaps I should be getting.

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Today is Day 3 of me inadvertent vegan life. My last entry was about some revelations I had because I was starting to cook differently. Really who sautes in water. But there are a few more things I've discovered, which is a result of just eating different things, and being used to different tastes:

1. Tofu is creamy (I know, I know, DUH right)

2. Walnuts are sweet

3. You can eat just fruit for breakfast and not starve come 11am.

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I was reading some blog entries from 7, SEVEN, years ago. Life then was more . . . glamorous (?), interesting (?). The difference perhaps is that today everyday I do is out of my own pocket. So maybe that is progress. My blogging / journal style has not changed significantly over all these years. . .

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