Sunday, August 8, 2010

Strawberry Jam

Just a quick morning entry, to preserve the moments in my mind, before the work week comes in full force. It was an eventful weekend that flew by.

After the Saturday morning cleanup, met with Mafster, Binx, Mahar, Mia and Kai for lunch in the market. We had dessert afterwards at La Cuisine and had the most delicious chocolate souffle I've ever had. Maf got all wistful that she was working so much, and could not spend more time this sort of thing, hanging out with friends.

Rested in the afternoon, before heading out to a pre-climb meeting at McDo near the Q.Ave MRT. Not my favorite Mcdo. And I seem to end up meeting there during raining nights. Probably will be climbing Mt. Nagsasa and heading to Nagsasa cove late August. It's with a new group of people, and they generally seem okay and nice. There will be a river crossing that potentially could happen before the crack of dawn based on the current IT. This could be a problem: dark and water. We'll see how this gets resolved.

From there proceeded to meet with Namee at Route 196 to watch the Mico Happy Bear Players. Diego Mapa (?) was doing some mixing (and I did like some of his material), followed by Twisted Halo (music from another era, thought not too far away), Ang Bandang Shirley (good), then Ciudad of course. They played 19+ songs. I was pooped though so could not stay longer than 5+ songs.

I was supposed to catch a morning run at McKinley hill, sponsored by our firm, but my dad got one of his middle of the night nosebleeds and I thought that I wouldn't be high-tailing it somewhere at 5am -- made the snap decision that I wasn't going anywhere for the time being; plus, it was the perfect excuse for me to sleep in some more after the relatively late night.

Lunch was a big piece of ham that Pops had bought in Santis. I really don't see why we would eat out. Let's just buy some good products from stores and prepare/cook it ourselves. We eat much better for much less.

Vinny texts during lunch that he is bored. Gica and I headed to Makati to: buy DVDs, buy a router, watch DVDs, play the piano, eat junk food, play Dog Monopoly, and have a few drinks. Somewhere in the middle David joins us and makes proceedings more fun.

Got to bed and snooozed.

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